LessWiki is the simplest way to create a shared knowledge base.


A Wiki is a collection of pages of text linked together.

With LessWiki, you can have your own encyclopedia about what you do. You can use it to organize:


LessWiki follows LessDesign's principles. That means it's so simple you don't need any training to use it. That also means that we won't track you nor sell your data.


Home page

The home screen lists all your wikis.

Screenshot of LessWiki home page. Title: 'Home'. The three wikis are presented in bold: 'Customer service', 'Internal knowledge base', 'Meeting notes'

Edit page

Text is formatted with simple characters.

Screenshot of LessWiki edit page. The field 'Title' contains the text: 'LessDesigns principles'. The field 'Content' contains the text: '# Humble # For everyone # Nondeceptive # Constrained # Untrendy # Systematic # Calm'. Below that, two buttons: 'Save' and 'put in the trash'.

Invitation page

You can invite an unlimited number of users.

Screenshot of LessWiki invitationpage. Only one field: 'Email'. Then a few questions: 'Is the user admin of the account? (If yes they will be able to invite other users and manage billing)' and 'Check the wikis the user will have access to'

Version page

Each modification is saved as a new version so that you can compare easily between versions.

Screenshot of LessWiki version page. The title of the page and and a link next to it: 'hide differences'. The page content reads: 'Version edited by john@lessdesign.net on June 3, 2021'. A line is striked: 'Software will save the world'. Below it, another line in bold: 'Software wont save the world'

Search page

You can easily search in all your pages.

Screenshot of LessWiki search page. One field with the label 'Search in all wikis' and a 'Go' button. One search result links to the page: 'LessDesigns principles'.

Export page

All your data is exportable anytime.

Screenshot of LessWiki export page. The text says 'Your data is ready! Click here to download your file. This link has been generated on June 3, 2021. It will last 24 jours.'

Account deletion page

You can also delete your account anytime.

Screenshot of LessWiki account deletion page. A text in red says: 'Do you really want to delete your profile? You will loose access to this account and to all your wikis. Since you are the only admin of the account Acme, this account and everything in it will be definitely deleted.' Below that, two buttons: 'Delete my profile' and 'no! Take me back'

© Pierre-Marie Houdry - pm@houdry.net